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TSMC suddenly "stopped"? Only three days after the price increase was announced, the 28nm chip price adjustment was just called off

Release on : Aug 9, 2021

TSMC suddenly "stopped"? Only three days after the price increase was announced, the 28nm chip price adjustment was just called off

Golden ten data

Release time: 08-0915:50 Official account of Guangzhou Jinshi Information Technology Co., Ltd., a high-quality creator in the financial field

On August 6 this year, an industry insider revealed that TSMC, a major global chip foundry manufacturer, has decided to increase the cost of 16nm process chips by 10% to 15% from the original basis starting in August this year. Change, the price adjustment for subsequent additional orders.
As soon as the news came out, the market generally believed that the chip manufacturing industry had already occupied the top of the industry's profit pyramid taking advantage of the "core shortage" situation. However, this was not enough. They also set off a wave of chip price increases and took the opportunity to eat up the "core shortage" dividend. However, TSMC has just made a new response to chip prices.

According to the latest media report on Monday (August 9th). According to industry insiders, TSMC, which has just raised the cost of mature process chips above 16nm, said that the source of customers is very important. Therefore, the cost adjustment of 28nm process will be suspended in the second half of this year to maintain long-term customer relationships.

In fact, TSMC was asked many times before announcing the price increase whether the chip cost would be raised. The answer given by the company was mainly to maintain customer relationships and provide them with stable chip production capacity, not for the pursuit of gross profit margin. And blindly raise prices. This problem can also be seen from the second quarter financial report released by the company.
Statistics show that in the second quarter of this year, TSMC’s actual total revenue reached approximately RMB 86.1 billion, an increase of 28% compared to the same period last year. In addition, its net profit was RMB 31.1 billion, an increase of 11.2% year-on-year. Interest rates were lower than market expectations, 51% lower than the average expectation.

Not only due to the pressure of low gross profit margins, the fierce competition on the same track has also become an aspect of TSMC's concerns. The company's biggest competitor, Samsung Electronics, recently announced that it needs to increase the cost of chips in order to level the expenditure on expanding the chip production line and purchasing advanced equipment. In recent months, many semiconductor manufacturers have announced price increases, including UMC, STMicroelectronics, Maxim, etc., with an average increase in the range of 10% to 15%.
Under the impact of such industry price hikes, TSMC also broke its defenses. Under this circumstance, the market believes that even TSMC rarely joins the "army" of price increases, which may cause more chip manufacturers in the industry to join the price increase.
It is worth mentioning that TSMC plans to expand the company’s 28nm plant in Nanjing, China. In addition, 28nm mature process chips are very popular in the Chinese market. Now TSMC’s “easy taste” may stabilize the “military spirit” of some customers. Even further expand market share.
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