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Xilinx data center business is poor, stock price plummeted

Loslassen am : 30.04.2019

Xilinx data center business is not good, the stock price tumbled, dragging down the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index fell 1.81%, coupled with Intel's cut-off financial measures, impacting TSMC and other semiconductor stocks today's share price performance weak, the stock index fell more than 2 %.

Xilinx data center business and test measurement simulation sales are not good, in the fourth quarter of the 2019 fiscal year (to March 30, 2019), the performance season decreased by 12%, the stock price plunged 23.86 US dollars, closed at 115.86 US dollars, a drop of 17.08% The impact of the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index fell 1.81%.

Intel also failed to anticipate the second quarter and full-year revenue forecast due to the data center's performance outlook. The after-hours price fell by $4.09 to $53.52, a decrease of 7.1%.

With Xilinx and Intel's stock price plummeting, causing market worries about the semiconductor industry boom, Taiwan's foundry founder TSMC was selling out in the market today. The stock price was weak, and the intraday price reached NT$259, down 8.5 yuan. The decline was 3.17%, and the market value shrank by 220.4 billion yuan.

The memory factory Wanghong and Winbond's share price also fell simultaneously. Among them, Wanghong's share price once reached 24.1 yuan, down 3.98%; Winbond's share price once reached 16.15 yuan, down 3%.

The semiconductor stock index once fell more than 2%, becoming the weak indicator of the disk today, affecting the market index once fell more than 100 points, smashing 11,000 points.